
Small Stream Trout fishing in Michigan

Amazon Camping

Okay, I am not camping in the Amazon and probably never will. But I do want to share a couple things I purchased which I’m very happy with. Starting with some flashlights. What I like about these is they use an AA battery which I always have on hand. They fit in a pocket and/or use the belt clip. The beam is adjustable. They won’t blind anyone – just practical illumination. And well made.

This canvas duffel is pretty amazing and macho. Beats toting several days of clothes in a flimsy tote or carryall. Good size for a few pants, shirts, etc. Well made. Inexpensive. Great gift for any camper or weekend traveler.

I have one 20lb propane tank on my camper and I was worried about running out halfway through cooking a trout dinner. Buying a second tank and hardware to switch tanks seemed like the only option until I read about this. This allows you to switch from a twenty lb tank to a 1 lb propane canister and finish the cooking. Genius.

This portable camping toilet is perfect for remote camping and has a snap on lid to use as a camping stool. Enough said.

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